Landfill Gas – 69% of Trash is Converted to Energy or Flared Off


Landfill gas has been shown to create a carbon negative change in the environment when items that in landfills biodegrade. Many companies and “trade associations” are trying to market ideas which say landfills do not biodegrade. The Environmental Protection Agency has released information that assures citizens that 69% of the time methane that is created in landfills is captured or flared off. Once the methane is captured 90% is converted into energy and 10% is oxidized releasing 0% methane into the atmosphere.

The EPA has funded the landfill methane outreach program or LMOP project which is sharing with landfill operators and owners the benefits of capturing the methane gas. The outcome of capturing methane gas? Carbon negative, BioSphere Additive allows plastics which utilize the technology to be carbon negative 35% of the time. Once the methane is captured 100% is converted, this allows our company to successfully state.

If your product uses BioSphere Plastic’s biodegradable additive, 35% of the time, your product is carbon negative contributing to a greener world and creating energy from trash.

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The study which was performed by Jim Levis shows that 69% of the time consumers throw trash into landfills, the product is either flared off or captured. This allows consumers and manufacturers know that over 30% of their materials are creating energy for other useful purposes. The energy which is generated by the biodegradable plastic is used by major corporations in the United States. Jim Levis also writes that biodegradable plastic has a negative impact on global warming due to the biodegradability of the plastic once placed into landfills. The landfills which capture the methane gas contribute to lowering the overall global impact of green house gases.

For more information regarding the study which Jim Levis has performed or to visit the EPA LMOP project for methane outreach, please visit the links in the article or the below links made available to our readers.

LMOP project

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