Grand Forks Says NO to Compostable Biodegradable Bags

DTS Another Planet Daniel Farò

Grand Forks –  City Council says no to compostable ASTM D6400 bags in compost bins. A recent vote in Grand Forks does not allow for consumers to place compostable bags in the compost bins for pickup. Council members believe that these “bags” are just to hard to differentiate between regular synthetic plastic bags. The only option is to ban these bags from compost bins.

This comes at the forefront of many legislation issues in the United States around compostable bags being promoted across the nation. The FTC last year made specific changes to the Green Guides encouraging companies to let consumers know that composting is not available in all areas. Questions remain to the word “compostable” as consumers still believe the word “compostable” means that it is okay to be composted. Consumers have not been educated around the differences between industrial compost facilities which average 130-150F allowing the compostable materials to bio-assimilate and home composting conditions. There is a major difference between the two and compostable bags made from corn or poly-lactic acid do not “compost” in those environments.

BioSphere biodegradable plastic additive allows for different disposal methods. The methods of biodegradation should never change as the term “biodegradable” is defined as a material that can be consumed by microorganisms turning the material back into what is found within nature. BioSphere plastic is an additive which enhances the ability of plastic to biodegrade within nature, transforming plastic to be consumed at a rapid rate allowing biodegradation to occur in both Anaerobic and Aerobic environments. The BioSphere plastic additive is designed for disposal within Anaerobic environments such as landfills, anaerobic digesters and aerobic digesters.

BioSphere plastic allows different metabolic pathways both aerobically and anaerobically, this allows for a breakdown of the polymer starting at hydrolysis and ending with methanogenesis.

*This story originated from


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